Where can co-creation have a positive impact on urban planning?
1. To create not only ecologically sustainable and smart urban areas, but also community-based, stimulating and surprising urban areas.
2. To develop urban structures or services that are user-oriented, flexible over the regional lifecycle and more resilient to different shocks in the operational environment.
3. To optimise the resources and economic roles of public and private actors in the regional lifecycle. To improve the productivity of project implementation.
4. To increase the innovation capacity of the urban community and test new services and solutions.
The development of sustainable and smart areas and buildings requires new planning methods. The revolution towards networked co-creation has begun.
What factors in the operating environment are driving the environment towards co-creation?
A world of disruption
The ecological and energy crisis, the pandemic and the rise of remote working, changes in the movement of people and goods, geopolitical change.
Changes in the economic base
Debt development and inflation, trade changes, the shift to a circular economy.
Loss of regional character
With rapid urbanisation, large-scale development projects are shaping the district in line with the overall plan, rather than creating an attractive character.